Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How Does It Feel to Be Married?

Over the past four days, both Nick and I have been asked this question numerous times. I think just about every one of our friends has asked this in some form or another. Before I take too long of a post to talk about the wedding, the planning, the ceremony, etc— I figured I would share just a few pictures and answer this question.
The easiest answer: it feels right. Nick is my best friend, and has been for quite some time now. The biggest change in being married is that now I call him my husband, instead of my fiancĂ© or boyfriend. Otherwise, not much has changed. We had the wonderful opportunity to celebrate with our family and friends before continuing on with our lives. Being married to Nick just feels right. The best example of why? We are still 100% ourselves, and get to continue on with our every day lives like nothing has changed. More about our wedding later, but, because nothing has changed— its game day and that means afternoon naps!

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