Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's Beginning To Look Like Christmas!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas here!
As I was taking a little walk this afternoon, I really noticed all of the Christmas (or seasonal, if you must) decorations popping up everywhere around me. The lights in the city have been up for awhile, but have just started being turned on. In addition to the lights, I have noticed people go all out as far as window decorations here!
As I was seeing all of these things for the first time, I realized that I don’t really know what Christmas in Minneapolis looks like. I’m sure there are lights and trees up, but I couldn’t tell you what they look like or where they are located. I think sometimes, you need to be in a new place to appreciate the beauty that is all around you- otherwise, it is just every day life.
So this year, I am going to try keep my eyes open just a little bit more and appreciate everything around me. After all, tis the season!

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