Well, we made it alive! Today was our first full day in Karlskrona. We spent Friday at the airport, gathering (or attempting to gather all of our lost luggage), and then made it to our new home just in time to catch some shut eye. Waking up for the first full day in Karlskrona, it was quite a beautiful day out. The weather was gorgeous, and you could smell the ocean from our apartment. We have a quaint two-bedroom apartment one block from the main city street. As Nick headed out to his golf outing, I got ready to explore my new home city.
I took just a brief, short walk, and through the help of a new friend navigated to the oceanside where events for Karlskrona Skärgårdsfest were being held. Here, I met with some of the KHK Damlag (KHK girls hockey team). After their floorball (floor hockey) game was over, I continued on my walk home. However, meeting with the girls was very nice- the first step to feeling at home for me was beginning to make friends.
Then, it was off to my new home to rest up for the first night on the town in Karlskrona!
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