After being in Karlskrona for a week, it was fairly easy to determine what I would miss the most about Minnesota. That answer came in the form of two furry friends, kitty and Lily. As we had to leave both of our pets at home, the apartment can feel fairly empty at times- there is nobody snoring and drooling everywhere (and I’m talking about Lily here), and nobody running around and jumping up the walls at random intervals (kitty). Leaving behind two pets is pretty hard. I’m accustomed to seeing them and taking care of them, just about all day every day. Even sitting and watching TV, or reading a book, or working on the computer- its very different to do this without having two animals running around and needing my attention.
However, only a few more weeks until I will get to see both lilymonster and kitty again! Until then, I will just have to live vicariously by petting every adorable dog I see on the streets.
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