Here we are, my 3 month anniversary with LASIK eye surgery! Years and years ago, when I was in elementary school, I discovered that I needed glasses (and became a four-eyes- gross!). I spent the next 15 years or so of my life battling with contacts and glasses. I started wearing 2 week contacts, but gradually those irritated my eyes- so I switched to daily contacts. Then, those started irritating my eyes- even after just a few hours! Eventually, enough was enough- and I decided that it was time for me to get LASIK surgery.
Of course, I was petrified to get LASIK done. I wasn’t worried about the finances of it- I assumed it would pay for itself over the years by pure convenience, and of course not having to pay for glasses and contacts. What I was worried about was the actual procedure- trusting someone with your eye sight is a lot of pressure, especially when you have heard horror stories.
Because of this, I chose to go to the Whiting Clinic, one of the best clinics in the world for LASIK eye surgery. My doctor was Dr. Whiting himself- yes, the owner of the clinic. He has performed almost 100,000 LASIK surgeries, which made me feel very comfortable. After all, someone was about to cut my eye open with a razor blade and shoot lasers into it(no joke, this is what happened)— I wanted the best of the best, and my experience at the Whiting Clinic was just that.
From the time you walk in to the clinic, you are greeted warmly and openly. Once checked in, you get to choose a color for your information packet. As a marketing major, I found this amazing. Long-term, the color of my information packet does not matter. But as a patient, I get to choose my own color? Talk about making someone feel just a little bit more comfortable, and like your experience truly is personalized. After this, the Whiting Clinic just continued to impress me- through the rest of my consultation, my actual appointment itself, and my two follow-up appointments. I would highly recommend the Whiting Clinic to anybody looking at getting LASIK surgery- they were phenomenal every step of the way for me.
So lets skip ahead a bit. The procedure itself? Easy. I was in the operating room for maybe 5 minutes, and then sent home to take a nap. Waking up from my nap was one of the best feelings of my life. When I woke up, I could see everything in the room- clearly, without the use of contacts or glasses. At that moment, I felt so blessed and happy to have perfect eyesight again, I began to cry. I could see! What a wonderful gift sight is, and how often do we take advantage of it. It took me all of five minutes after waking up to decide that my LASIK procedure was worth it- no longer did it matter about “paying for itself over the years”, no, LASIK was worth it because for the first time in years I woke up with perfect vision.
Three months later, and getting LASIK done is one of the best investments I have ever made. Of course, I am still getting used to it- there are still nights when I am getting ready for bed and thinking ‘OK, time to take my contacts out,’ but it is a fabulous feeling.
J'ai un grand passé avec la chirurgie esthétique, j'ai déjà effectué un lifting cervico-facial pas cher, une liposuccion fesses Tunisie et là je vais contacter medecin de greffe de cheveux tunisie pour une transplantation capillaire. La chirurgie de lasikchirurgie de lasik me tente aussi mais j'hésite encore.