Hi, I just read your post about getting LASIK done, and I'm having a serious melt down about the procedure. I've worn glasses/contacts since I was 8 years old (I'm 25 now) and I'm just wondering if you could possibly answer some of my questions/fears. Was it hard to stay focused on the laser? I'm scared I'm going to be jumpy and move, or that it's going to hurt, or that I'm going to feel something. I'm scared to death. HELP.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
LASIK Question
allie-sins asked you:
Hi, I just read your post about getting LASIK done, and I'm having a serious melt down about the procedure. I've worn glasses/contacts since I was 8 years old (I'm 25 now) and I'm just wondering if you could possibly answer some of my questions/fears. Was it hard to stay focused on the laser? I'm scared I'm going to be jumpy and move, or that it's going to hurt, or that I'm going to feel something. I'm scared to death. HELP.
Hi, I just read your post about getting LASIK done, and I'm having a serious melt down about the procedure. I've worn glasses/contacts since I was 8 years old (I'm 25 now) and I'm just wondering if you could possibly answer some of my questions/fears. Was it hard to stay focused on the laser? I'm scared I'm going to be jumpy and move, or that it's going to hurt, or that I'm going to feel something. I'm scared to death. HELP.
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