When we first arrived to Prague, I (like many others) thought it was a beautiful city. However, as our bus continued driving and I started looking a little more closely- I realized that Prague is beautiful, but only from a distance. The amount of graffiti (everywhere!) turned me off of the beauty and on to the reminder that Prague is still in the Old East. Now, I realize that there is graffiti in every city. However, it becomes overboard when the graffiti is not contained to certain places, but overflows onto businesses, churches, shops, anywhere that a can of spray paint can possibly touch.
With that being said, on our walking tour I tried to ignore the graffiti. First, we walked to Old Town Square and then made our way towards New Town. In Old Town Square, one of the highlights was “Our Lady Before Týn”. An interesting thing to note about this church was that the two towers are constructed differently- one is much larger than the other (when you look closely). After the tour was over, we ventured on our own across the Charles Bridge right before sunset, and made it to the Prague Castle just as the sun was going down.
After walking the city all day, we relaxed at a wonderful little Italian restaurant with some wine. To close out the day, of course there was some brother-sister bonding time with shots of Sambuca!
So that was the extent of our sightseeing in Prague! We spent the next day touring Terezin- more to come on that soon (hopefully tomorrow).
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